Jacques Audiard's Mexico-set musical shattered the record for the most Academy Award nominations for a non-English-language movie.
Price increases of rice and vegetables such as cabbage pushed up overall sales while the number of purchased items continued ...
The two chambers of parliament plan to resume talks Jan. 31 on measures to secure a sufficient number of imperial family ...
Police have arrested a man for kicking a rabbit, which later died, as a probe continues over the deaths of more than 70 ...
Japan might take a leadership role in global free trade if the United States piles on tariffs and rejects multilateral ...
Former homeowners determined to stay want houses that the next fire will not burn easily and that, if burnt, will not turn ...
From all the Europeans? 200,000, it's a minimum. It's a minimum, otherwise it's nothing,' Zelenskyy said when asked about the ...
A Chinese court deemed the death penalty as appropriate in view of the 'extremely heinous' nature of the crime, which resulted in the death of a bus attendant.
The 52-year-old former SMAP member said his contracts had been wound up, and that negotiations with sponsors were in progress ...
The move would mark the central bank's first rate hike since July last year, when it increased rates to 0.25%.
The decrease — the first in six years — came after prices rose nearly 30% to a record high in 2023 when several luxury condos ...
One year after Tomoko Tamura became head of the Japanese Communist Party, she faces tough questions about her leadership as ...